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Location - Kith Treats Williamsburg

Kith Treats Williamsburg


Store Information


11AM - 8PM

11AM - 7PM

Scan your QR code at the Treats counter to earn a Treats Rewards stamp.

Also at Kith Treats Williamsburg

Location - Kith Williamsburg
Kith Williamsburg
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About Kith Treats Williamsburg

In March of 2023, Kith opened its third flagship door in New York. Located directly underneath the Kith headquarters, the design
features signature elements of Kith’s iconic retail concept, adjusted with unique details that speak to its bespoke setting. To match Williamsburg’s industrial neighborhood, the space creates a minimalistic feel accompanied by an earth-tone palette—featuring brick, concrete, stainless steel, white oak, and elegant
Rosa Aurora stone. The industrial ambiance is balanced with lush oak trees outside, and an abundance of greenery spread throughout the space. In addition to collections for men, women and kids, Kith Williamsburg is also home to a one-of-a-kind Kith Treats ice cream bar experience, complete with the full menu of
cereal and ice cream confections, the Waffle Program, and a walk-up to-go window.

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