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Kith for BUAISOU

 Kithは、日本の代表的な産地である徳島で、原料となる藍の栽培から始まり、蒅(すくも)造り、染色、デザイン、製作までを一貫して手がける藍師・染師BUAISOUと初となるパートナーシップを結び、Kith Tokyo限定のKith for BUAISOU Aizome Capsuleを発表いたします。


Kith for BUAISOU Aizome Capsuleでは、Aizome Vintage Tee、Aizome Vintage LS Tee、Aizome Williams III Hoodieの3種類を展開。Aizome Vintage Teeのフロントロゴは抜染で表現し、背面には絞り染めを施しました。Aizome Vintage LS Teeの背面には網をモチーフにした柄を採用。網柄は漁で使う網から大漁としての意味合いや、一網打尽の言葉から幸せを捉えるという意味を想起させる縁起の良い柄とされ、また、邪気を通さないとして魔除けの意味合いでも親しまれている柄です。KithのスクリプトロゴをあしらったAizome Williams III Hoodieは、シンプルながら本物の藍の色が際立ちます。

NYのライフスタイルブランドであるKithの世界観とBUAISOUの職人技が織りなす、唯一無二のKith for BUAISOUAizome Capsule。褐色(かちいろ = 勝ち色)とも言われ、縁起の良い色として知られる藍を、2024年新たな年の始めに身にまとい、素敵な1年をお迎えください。

Kith for BUAISOU Aizome Capsuleは、日本時間2024年の1/2(火)より、Kith Tokyo限定で発売いたします。

Kith Tokyoでの販売方法詳細につきましては、kithtokyo.com内 Newsページにてご案内いたします。

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Kith partnered for the first time with BUAISOU, an authentic indigo dyeing studio which handles the entire process from indigo cultivation to dye, design, and production of indigo dye dyes in Tokushima where it’s known as one of Japan's significant production regions for Indigo dyeing. We are pleased to announce the launch of the Kith Tokyo exclusive “Kith for BUAISOU Aizome Capsule”.

This project started when we went to Tokushima and met BUAISOU, which conveys the beauty of indigo dyeing called Aizome, a Japanese dyeing technique, and the natural indigo produced by the power of nature through traditional techniques and skilled handiwork inherited over years. BUAISOU's indigo is made of dye made of fermented dye, wood ash, bran, and shellfish ash. The indigo solution produced during the fermentation process is adjusted by craftsmen 365 days a year to ensure deep and beautiful colors and high colorfastness.

Kith for BUAISOU Aizome Capsule includes Aizome Vintage Tee, Aizome Vintage LS Tee, and Aizome Williams III Hoodie. The front logo of Aizome Vintage Tee is expressed by stencil dyeing, and the back is tie-dyed. Aizome Vintage LS Tee features a net motif pattern that has been used in fishing nets and is considered a good omen for a big catch, and also to ward off evil spirits on the back. Aizome Williams III Hoodie with Kith's script logo is simple but stands out for its authentic indigo color.

Kith for BUAISOU Aizome Capsule was created through Kith's lens and also the authentic craftsmanship of BUAISOU. The Indigo color is also recognized as the color of good luck. We hope it will bring you a great start of the new year.

Kith for BUAISOU Aizome Capsule will be available exclusively at Kith Tokyo from Tuesday, January 2, 2024 (JST).

Please refer to the announcement for purchase, which will be posted on, for more details.

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