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The London Braided by Kith for Birkenstockの販売方法に関して/ Raffle Announcement

Kith Tokyoでは、7/12(金)にLondon Braided by Kith for Birkenstockを販売いたします。


Kith x Birkenstock London VL Braided Birch        サイズ展開  36~45
Kith x Birkenstock London VL Braided Lilac Ash    サイズ展開  36~41, 43~45




  • 指定時間内にお並びいただいたお客様へ、応募用英数字が記載されたQRコードを配布いたします。QRコードを読み込めるデバイスやアプリケーションを事前にご準備ください。
  • 抽選結果はメールにて配信いたします。customerservice@kithtokyo.comからのメールを受信できるように設定のうえ、抽選へご参加ください。
  • 午前8:30より前にお並びいただくことや、店舗付近への路上駐車は近隣店舗や住民の方へご迷惑となりますのでご遠慮ください。
  • 当日、並び列の方向などは午前8:30以降にスタッフがご案内いたします。
  • 午前9:00に列を締め切らせていただきます。
  • 抽選参加資格は「満18歳以上」となります。当日は身分証の確認を行いますので、以下のいずれかを必ずご持参ください。



※ 抽選は当日London Braided by Kith for Birkenstockのご案内順番を決めるためのものであり、全てのお客様へ商品の購入をお約束するものではないことをご了承ください。
※ 抽選方法や購入制限、注意事項は当日スタッフからご案内いたします。スタッフの案内に従っていただけないお客様には、入店や販売をお断りすることがございますのでご了承ください。
※ 店舗内外に関わらず、金品の受け渡しやキャッチ行為等は固くお断りいたします。転売を目的とした商品の購入もご遠慮ください。スタッフが悪質と判断した場合は、当選を無効とさせていただきます。
※ 抽選参加中に路上喫煙、座り込み、路上駐車、ごみのポイ捨てが発見された場合、抽選への参加をお断りさせていただきます。

The London Braided by Kith for Birkenstock will be released on Friday, July 12th, at Kith Tokyo.

Kith x Birkenstock London VL Braided Birch        Size 36~45

Kith x Birkenstock London VL Braided Lilac Ash    Size 36~41, 43~45


A raffle will take place in front of the Kith Tokyo store before the store opens.

Customers who gather in front of the store between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM will receive a QR code for the lottery, and the draw will be conducted via Google Forms.

Please make sure to check the following notes before coming to the store.

  • Customers who line up within the specified time will receive a QR code with an alphanumeric code for the lottery. Please prepare a device or application that can read QR codes in advance.
  • The lottery results will be sent via email. Please ensure that you can receive emails from and participate in the lottery.
  •  To prevent inconvenience to neighboring stores and residents, please avoid forming a line before 8:30 AM and refrain from street parking near the store.
  • Staff members will guide you through the line after 8:30 AM.
  • Distribution of QR code will conclude at 9:00 AM.
  • The raffle participants must be over 18 years old and an ID check will be conducted.
  • An ID check will be conducted. Please ensure you have one of the following valid photo IDs:
  • You must be at least 18 years old to participate in the lottery.

Please bring one of the following IDs for age verification on the day of the event:

・Driver's license
・Basic Resident Registration Card
・Resident card
・Individual Number Card(Mynumber card)
・Disability certificate 

  • The lottery will determine the order of purchase opportunities for theLondon Braided by Kith for Birkenstock. Please note that winning the lottery does not guarantee you will be able to buy the product.
  • The lottery method, purchase restrictions, and other details will be explained by the staff on the day of the event. If you do not follow the staff's instructions, you may be denied entry or purchase.
  • Any exchange of money or goods, solicitation, or similar activities inside or outside the store are strictly prohibited. Please refrain from purchasing products for resale purposes. If the staff judges that your behavior is malicious, your winning ticket will be invalidated.
  • If we observe smoking on the street, sitting on the ground, illegal parking, or littering during the lottery participation, we will refuse your participation in the lottery and invalidate your ticket and winning ticket.

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