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Treats Sakura の販売方法に関して / Raffle Announcement

Kith Treats Tokyoでは、3/23(土)に “Treats Sakura”のTeeとTote Bagを販売いたします。


Kith Treats Mosaic Sakura Box logo Tee White サイズ展開XS~XXL
Kith Treats Mosaic Sakura Box logo Tote White 






※当選者の再整列は、2F Kith Treats店舗入口前にて行います。



※抽選は当日2F Kith Treatsへご入店いただく順番を決めるための抽選であり、全てのお客様へ商品の購入をお約束するものではないことをご了承ください。
※リストバンドを渡された方は、リストバンドに記載されている集合時間までに2Fの Kith Treats Tokyoにお並びください。

Kith Treats Sakura will be released on Saturday, March 23th, at Kith Treats Tokyo.


Kith Treats Mosaic Sakura Box logo Tee White size XS~XXL
Kith Treats Mosaic Sakura Box logo Tote Bag White 


A raffle will take place in front of the 1F Kith Tokyo store before the store opens.
Numbered tickets will be distributed to customers arriving between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM. Please note that numbered tickets are required for the participation in the raffle.

Please be sure to read the following instructions before visiting the store.

- To prevent inconvenience to neighboring stores and residents, please avoid forming a line before 8:30 AM and refrain from street parking near the store.

- Staff members will guide you through the line after 8:30 AM.

- The Distribution of the numbered ticket will conclude at 9:00 AM.

- Winners will be asked to wait in line at Kith Treats on the 2nd floor for purchase.

- An ID check will be conducted. Please ensure you have one of the following valid photo IDs:

・Driver's license
・Basic Resident Registration Card
・Resident card
・Individual Number Card(Mynumber card)
・Disability certificate 

- Please be aware that the raffle's purpose is to determine the order of store entry and does not guarantee item purchase for all customers.
- On the release day, our staff will provide information about the raffle process, purchase restrictions, and important notices. For the crowd management, there won't be any fittings available for the items. Customers who do not follow staff instructions may be denied entry or purchasing privileges.
- For those of you who are given the wristband please line up at Kith Treats Tokyo on the 2nd floor by the appointed time as it is labeled on the wristband.

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